Pomigolana and Gobagambalin by Lacey G

Indie School Australia

Wagga Wagga




Pomigolana and Gobagambalin by Lacey G

Pomigolana and Gobagambalin


Lacey G

 is a student at 

Indie School Australia

Lacey was inspired by the Wiradjuri dreaming story of Pomigolana and Gobagambalin. Lacey’s teacher, Simon taught her the dreaming story during one of their English lessons. The story is about two star crossed Wiradjuri lovers, from different tribes. After running away with each other, they cross the river and unfortunately turn into frogs. Simon used this story to help Lacey relate to that of Romeo and Juliet. As a Wiradjuri teen, Lacey was inspired by her culture to paint this story through the use of symbols. Lacey depicted the opposing tribes separated by the river that Pomigolana and Gobagambalin crossed.

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Lacey G

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